

Part of our vision as Portswood Church is to see those who do not yet know Jesus discover who he is. We want as many people as possible to encounter his presence, to experience his love and respond to follow him.

One of our core values is a dependency on God in prayer, recognizing that without him we can do little or nothing of lasting worth. The global prayer movement known as Thy Kingdom Come represents an opportunity to bring this vision and this value together and here at Portswood we can be a part of that. It runs from Ascension Day (May 30th) until Pentecost (June 9th).

So what are the ways in which we can get involved?

One way would be by signing up to spend an hour (or more!) in our prayer room. Of course we can pray anywhere so why come to the prayer room? Firstly, signing up to come is a statement of commitment - a declaration that this is a serious intention (and if you're like me it probably means that you're more likely to follow through and do it!). Secondly, the prayer room contains different resources that can help us as we pray. Thirdly, it's a way of connecting with others who are praying at different times; it's a creative space where we can add our prayers, impressions or responses to encourage others who use the room. Sign-up for the prayer room is available here:

On many days there will also be specific opportunities to gather to pray together and these will be led or facilitated by different people. See the leaflet, the board in the foyer or online for further details.  

Another way would be to use the "Prayer Journal" produced by the Thy Kingdom Come team. This encourages you to write down the names of 5 people you are praying for and gives a theme and Bible verse for each day. You can download a copy from or pick up a printed copy from the 'offline' table in the foyer.

Those with children in the family will be able to use the resources provided and each day join in in ways that work for younger pray-ers. If you would like that resource, or somehow missed it, contact Suzanne on

Whichever way we choose to be involved let's be praying for one another - that the Spirit would inspire and equip us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our friends and families, our communities and networks. I'm looking forward to hearing the stories of how God has been working amongst us and answering our prayers.
