Looking for Answers
Life throws up all kinds of challenges and difficulties which can be hard to face at times. Big events in our life-stories - love, birth, sickness, bereavement - prompt us to pray, or at least hope for God’s help. It’s at these times that a church-community can help.
We don’t pretend to have all the answers but many of us have faced the questions and discovered God to be unexpectedly close. Our pastoral staff and volunteers are available to listen, talk and pray. All you have to do is ask. Contact us at one of our events or through the church office.
If you're interested in discovering what it means to be a Christian (that is, a follower of Jesus Christ) or simply have some time and space to think through who Jesus is and why it matters why not join one of our Alpha courses where we look into this over a meal in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. See here for further details.
In the meanwhile, if you want to check out a few online resources (anything from introductory to advanced level) then the bethinking.org website is a good place to start.
Get in touch
Disappointment and Prayer
As Christian’s we don’t get a, ‘get out of jail free card’. We experience the loss just like everyone else, but with a difference. Ultimately, eternally, God does not disappoint us. He is the one thing; we will never need to grieve the loss of or sit with the disappointment of.